, , , , , Peter Gatenby Consulting | Medical insurance | Long term care insurance | Valuing an Insurance Policy
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Insurance Companies

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We provide the following services to insurance companies in the UK, Europe and throughout the world:

The Actuarial Function as defined under Solvency II legislation

Product development advice and support with particular focus on:
Medical insurance
Long term care insurance
Flexible pension annuities and flexible drawdown with or without guarantees
Offshore tax efficient Bonds and Annuities
Protection products

Independent Actuary in Part VII Transfers and Schemes of Arrangement

Peer Review of AFH and/or Chief Actuary as required under APS-X2 of the IFoA

Using Big Data to better understand the key analytics of an insurance company

New company start ups

              Mergers and Acquisitions

Pensions and
Expert Witness and
Non-Executive Directorships